UNSSC - 2023 Annual report

Leading-edge learning for the 21st Century

Enhancing knowledge and skills for the future

Our core purpose

The scope of work for the UN system and its partners has expanded significantly over the past few decades due to the accelerating pace of change and increasing global crises. For those supporting the delivery of the 2030 Agenda and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), learning new skills and acquiring knowledge is no longer a ‘nice to have’—it is essential. UN personnel must upskill and learn to navigate complexity confidently.

UNSSC is uniquely positioned to fulfil its mission to foster learning for a better world. Our courses are developed as responses to new global challenges and work requirements. We excel at bringing people together from across the UN system and by convening civil society partners. We have developed a deep understanding of the UN system and of the training needs of our stakeholders.

Online learning transformation

Our growth

The significant growth in enrolment UNSSC witnessed in 2023 demonstrates that our core purpose aligns with urgent needs throughout the UN system. In today’s knowledge economy only the quality of the UN’s people can ensure the organization remains fit to take on 21st century challenges.

In 2023 the College served 84,000 learning participants, more than double the number from the year before. The College is benefitting from a decision made in 2020 to embrace new delivery models, including online learning. Since then, the College has experienced exponential growth in the number of participants attending its e-learning activities, currently representing over 95 per cent of UNSSC total learners.

A glimpse into our impact

This report

This report takes a different format than our previous annual reports because your reading time is precious. We offer a snapshot of only several of our key learning programmes out of the over 200 we ran last year. These are showcased along four broad areas that illustrate the ways in which UNSSC is making a tangible impact as a:

  1. Centre of excellence
  2. Convener
  3. Adviser and service provider
  4. Knowledge broker

Along with our financial report and the work of the College visualized in data, these representative glimpses capture the range and quality of our results.

Message from the Director

Dear Readers,
As I pen this foreword to the 2023 annual report of the United Nations System Staff College (UNSSC), I am approaching the conclusion of my tenure as Director, a chapter that spans a significant portion of my over 30 years with the United Nations (UN). The journey has been both enriching and profoundly transformative.

Leading UNSSC for the past 12 years, I have had the privilege to oversee and contribute to the growth and milestones of our institution. This report not only highlights our successes but also underscores our evolution into a Centre of Excellence. Our mandate from the General Assembly has been to enhance the capabilities of the UN system's personnel and stakeholders, and we have fulfilled this through innovative learning solutions that address critical global issues.

This year's report details our achievements in fostering a culture of leadership within the UN, advancing learning solutions, and serving as a convener, adviser, and knowledge broker. Our increased enrolment has strengthened our financial results and allowed us to expand our team and service offerings. With established campuses in Turin and Bonn, and a new one soon in Madrid, the College stands as a trusted learning institution for the UN community and its partners. Among our many achievements, promoting multilateralism remains a cornerstone. In times when global cooperation faces challenges, we have doubled down on educating and creating advocates for international collaboration, which is vital for a strengthened global agenda.

As I look back, I am immensely grateful for the dedication of our team, whose commitment has driven our success. I also extend my deepest thanks to our partners, stakeholders, and the host governments of Italy, Germany, and soon Spain, for their invaluable support and trust.

Thank you to everyone who has joined us on this remarkable journey. It has been an honour to lead such a dynamic organization. As I transition to a role as a private citizen, I am excited to see how UNSSC continues to flourish and adapt in the face of future challenges.

With gratitude and best wishes,

Jafar Javan

Learning snapshot


The number of people who benefited from UNSSC learning products grew by 121%.


Participants in direct training activities and events delivered by the College increased by 153%.


The number of indirect training activities increased by 21%.


The number of direct training activities increased by 13%.


97% of participants in 2023 said they would recommend their learning programme to others, compared to 96% with 2022.





In 2023 online learning accounted for 69% of all learning activities.

Face to face









Face to face

