Annual Report 2023 - Convener


Advancing the SDGs requires strong convening capabilities. This involves uniting change agents from both the public and private sectors across global, regional, and local levels. Furthermore, it is crucial for UN colleagues to maintain connections with the external world. The Staff College plays a pivotal role in this context, bringing together individuals from diverse backgrounds who are committed to creating a better world. Additionally, UNSSC serves as a key inter-agency convener on issues of system-wide importance.

Parliamentarian Platform
Orientation Programme
Senior Leadership

A platform for parliamentarians to lead in land restoration and sustainable development

Inspiring, informing, and supporting ecosystem restoration through a global academy

The earth's ecosystems are vital for sustaining human life, contributing to over half of global GDP and encompassing diverse cultural, spiritual, and economic values. To protect these ecosystems, the world must prevent new instances of land degradation and restore at least 1 billion hectares of degraded land by 2030 – an essential step towards fulfilling SDG 15.

Parliamentarians around the world make laws that regulate land use and conservation, placing them on the frontlines of the battle to protect the environment. To foster champions of land restoration and management, the first edition of the Global Changemaker Academy for Parliamentarians took place in 2023. The programme was organized in partnership with the G20 Global Land Initiative, at the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification (UNCCD), and UNSSC.

This five-day academy brought participants face-to-face with other lawmakers, UN leaders and experts in land restoration and conservation. Feedback from the first cohort indicates they found the programme useful in helping many develop ways to advocate and articulate issues around land sustainability in their own contexts. The academy laid the groundwork for a community of practice and a global network that can inspire, inform, and support ecosystem restoration.

“The master classes and workshops were extremely insightful, covering a broad spectrum of topics with excellent speakers who brought vast experience and research to the table. The rich content and diverse approaches kept participants engaged and interested. The programme is highly relevant and provided practical applications, significantly enhancing parliamentary roles and offering sustainable pathways. It was an enriching experience, leaving participants well-equipped and fulfilled.”

From the evaluation forms

JPO Orientation Programme prepares new UN staff for the challenges ahead

A programme designed to ensure newly recruited JPOs hit the ground running

It’s been 21 years since the Staff College began its orientation programme which helps junior professional officers (JPOS) new to the UN system to hit the ground running. More recently, in line with Our Common Agenda and the UN 2.0 vision, UNSSC expanded partnerships with the United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs and Member States to expand the induction for JPOs as well as offer new post- induction learning support.

The 2023 cohort included 107 JPOs from 10 Member States (including Australia, Finland, France, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Saudi Arabia, Spain, Switzerland and the United States of America). That’s three times more participants than 20 years ago.

Central to the inter-agency induction is the overview of the UN we offer and training on the skills and competencies the UN demands of its staff to help JPOs fulfil their assignments. Each new cohort of JPOs helps renew the UN’s workforce and these system-wide inductions are an important strategic investment in the UN’s pipeline of talent and human capital.

“This course makes a significant difference by providing us with knowledge and a network of contacts before starting our assignments. It has been a unique experience, both personally and professionally, and I feel much more prepared and confident to face new challenges at the United Nations.”

Paula de la Cal, JPO - Project Management at Giga, International Telecommunication Union , Switzerland

A space for senior leaders to exchange ideas and learn from peers

An arena to exchange ideas, draw inspiration, and engage on politically sensitive and challenging issues.

All Special Representatives of the Secretary-General (SRSGs) are appointed by the Secretary-General to provide leadership, political guidance and high-level operational direction in the execution of mission activities. There are a few regular events organized for the UN leaders of peace operations; however, there has been no dedicated annual meeting and reflection space for their deputies (DSRSGs) of peace operations with political responsibilities, or for the heads of political offices and deputy special envoys.

With generous support from the Government of Germany, and in partnership with the Centre for International Peace Operations (ZIF) in Berlin, UNSSC convenes and manages a forum designed to promote open discussion. Senior UN leaders exchange ideas, learn from peers, and interact with headquarters-based colleagues on politically sensitive and challenging issues. The Dialogue Series is known for stimulating new ideas, building partnerships, and strengthening DSRSG peer-to-peer networks.

In 2023, the Dialogue Series focused on "Opportunities for Peace". The ever-changing global environment and the complexity of issues faced by DSRSGs made this event critical and timely. Questions discussed included identifying the opportunities for peace that the UN must seize upon. Discussions which followed focused on UN 2.0 and the desired impacts for peace operations, as well as the implications for field missions around the recommendations articulated in the New Agenda for Peace. Examples of regional approaches were shared across the different mission contexts. The event culminated in an aide memoire outlining ideas for immediate support for ongoing peacekeeping missions and special political missions, and suggestions on the roll-out of UN 2.0 to peace operations.

“The two days in Berlin were so wonderful I can't even explain how we need this and the good it does. I feel re-energized and reconnected to the UN.”

Vivian van de Perre, Deputy Head of Mission, UN Mission to Support the Hudaydah Agreement, Headquarters, Yemen